Red Hill Primary School

Red Hill Primary School







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Year 6

Home | Year Groups | Year 6

Year 6




Welcome to Year 6!

We would like to warmly welcome your child into Year 6 and we are very excited to support them on their journey through their final year at Red Hill Primary School!

At Red Hill, we have three Year 6 classes:

6M Miss Melvin (Miss Greig)

6S Mr Sargent

6A Mr Ali

Our year group TAs are Mrs Fuller and Mrs Saunders


Please click below to see the curriculum map for Year 6 as well as the topic web for this half term. These are working documents however, so they may change as we progress into the term. The Year 6 Curriculum Meeting slides are also below.

Our Learning

Our topics for Autumn Term are ‘Brainwaves: metacognition’. and ‘Existing, Endangered, Extinct’.

Brainwaves: metacognition

Do you remember learning about the brain? We are going to find out more about how our brain and memory work to help us learn. This three week unit is all about metacognition! It will help us with all our future learning and actually make us better learners!

Existing, Endangered, Extinct

Our planet is teeming with different species of living things that thrive and survive all over the world, some in extreme environments. In this unit we will learn more about how we classify animals, how living things are adapted to their environments and how all living things are interdependent. As part of the web of life, humans also have an important role to play. How is human behaviour threatening the survival of many species? Can we preserve the biodiversity of our planet?


In English, we will be reading Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell and using our comprehension strategies and skills.

We will be focusing on writing:

Autobiographies, discursive writing and speeches, poems that create images and explore vocabulary, first person stories with a moral, Shakespeare sonnets and explanatory texts.


Maths this half term will be focusing on understanding numbers. This will include:

  • Place value
  • Negative numbers
  • Factors and multiples
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Prime numbers
  • Composite numbers
  • Squared and cubed numbers

Supporting your child with their learning at home

Please see below for weekly homework sheets. Children should have brought these home every Friday in their homework books, and should hand them back into school every Wednesday.

Weekly homework includes:

Maths-  A short maths challenge linking to the week’s learning. Children should also log into TTRS ( and practise their multiplication recall.

Spellings- Children will have 10 spellings sent home linking to a spelling pattern being taught in class. These will be tested in the spelling session on a Wednesday morning.

IPC- At the bottom of the homework will be some questions linking to the topics being taught in class. Please ask your children these questions and get them talking about all the incredible learning that is taking place in classrooms! 

Reading- Reading should be completed a minimum of 3x a week, but ideally for 10 minutes each evening. This can be completed with an adult, or children can choose to read independently. All reading sessions needs to be recorded in their reading records, which should be brought into school daily.

Please see below for a recommended reading list.


6M PE- Thursday and Friday

6S PE- Thursday and Friday

6A PE- Thursday

PE kits (as outlined in the uniform letter):

  • Plain t-shirt in house colour (red, blue, green, yellow) P.E. t-shirt with the embroidered badge can still be worn
  • Navy shorts/skort, tracksuit bottoms or leggings/cycling shorts
  • Trainers or plimsolls
  • Navy sweatshirt or hoodie (iron on badge can be applied but not necessary.

No football kits to worn to school. If children have a club after school, they need to bring this into school in a bag to change into before or after the club,