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Year 3
Home | Year Groups | Year 3
Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
We would like to happily welcome your child into Year 3 and we are very excited to support them on their journey into Key Stage 2 at Red Hill Primary School.
At Red Hill, we have four Year 3 classes:
3W- Mrs Wright (Ms Miles and Mrs Bishop)
3D- Mr Davys
3JM- Mrs Millbank and Mrs Jervis
3P- Miss Patel
Our year group TA is Miss Simmonds
Please click below to see the curriculum map for Year 3 as well as the topic web for this half term. These are working documents however, so they may change as we progress into the term. The Year 3 Curriculum Meeting slides are also below.
Our topics for this half term are ‘Brainwaves’ and ‘How Humans Work’.
In Brainwaves we will be learning about our brain and how we can use it to learn lots of new and different things every day, enabling us to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding that we will need to become successful now and in the future. By finding out more about how we learn, and how we can improve the way that we learn, we will be better equipped for meeting the many challenges ahead of us. We will need to be
metacognitive learners, scientists and internationally minded. How can we use our knowledge of the brain to help us on our learning journey?
How Humans Work
In How Humans Work we will be learning about the different functions of the human body, including how we see, hear, digest, breathe and move. We will also investigate how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and the effects of diet and exercise on the body. We will need to be scientists, nutritionists and sports instructors in order to gain a deep understanding of how humans work. Have you ever considered how your body works?
And what does it really mean to be healthy?
In English, we will be reading Greta and the Giants and The pebble in my pocket. From this, we will be creating:
Maths this half term will be learning to:
Please see below for weekly homework sheets. Children should have brought these home every Friday in their homework books, and should hand them back into school every Wednesday.
Weekly homework includes:
Maths- A short maths challenge linking to the week’s learning. Children should also log into TTRS (https://ttrockstars.com) and practise their multiplication recall.
Spellings- Children will have 10 spellings sent home linking to a spelling pattern being taught in class. These will be tested in the spelling session on a Wednesday morning.
IPC- At the bottom of the homework will be some questions linking to the topics being taught in class. Please ask your children these questions and get them talking about all the incredible learning that is taking place in classrooms!
Reading- Reading should be completed a minimum of 3x a week, but ideally for 10 minutes each evening. This should be completed with an adult, who then records the reading session in the reading record. These should be brought to school daily.
Please see below for a recommended reading list.
3W PE- Wednesday
3P PE- Wednesday
3JM PE- Tuesday and Wednesday
3D PE- Wednesday
PE kits (as outlined in the uniform letter):
No football kits to worn to school. If children have a club after school, they need to bring this into school in a bag to change into before or after the club.