Red Hill Primary School

Red Hill Primary School













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Year 1

Home | Year Groups | Year 1

Year 1




Welcome to Year 1!

We would like to happily welcome your child into Year 1 and we are very excited to support them on their transition from EYFS to Key Stage 1. 

At Red Hill, we have three Year 1 classes:

1CO Mrs Clark and Mrs O’Shea (Mrs T O’Neill)

1L Miss Laverick (Mrs Quigley, Miss Robotham and Miss Batchelor)

1D Mrs Draper (Miss Mihailova)


Please click below to see the curriculum map for Year 1 as well as the topic web for this half term. These are working documents however, so they may change as we progress into the term. The Year 1 Curriculum Meeting slides are also below.

Our Learning

Our topic for Autumn Term is ‘Brainwaves: The Brain’.

Brainwaves: The Brain

In Brainwave: The Brain, we will be exploring the ways in which we can use our brains to learn lots of new and different things every day, enabling us to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding that we will need to become successful adults. By finding out more about how we learn, and how we can improve the way that we learn, we will be better equipped for meeting the many challenges ahead of us.


Our key texts this half term are Beggu by Alexis Deacon and Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.  We will start the year by practicing speaking in full sentences and move onto writing them down using a space between each word.  We will learn about the skills of prediction and inference while reading Beegu and how to summarise and describe with Where the Wild Things Are.  We will also learn the difference between an author and an illustrator.  We will explore poetry and also write a setting description.



Maths this half term will be learning all about number and exploring place value, addition and subtraction up to 10.  We will be using part whole models and tens frames to show different ways of representing number and number lines to explore how quantities increase and decrease.

Supporting your child with their learning at home

Maths- A short maths challenge linking to the week’s learning. 

Phonics- Children will have phonics sent home each week linking to what we are learning in class.

IPC- At the bottom of the homework will be some questions linking to the topics being taught in class. Please ask your children these questions and get them talking about all the incredible learning that is taking place in classrooms! This is a great chance for children to share all of their amazing knowledge.

Reading- Reading should be completed a minimum of 3x a week, but ideally for 10 minutes each evening. This should be completed with an adult, who then records the reading session in the reading record. These should be brought to school daily.

Please see below for a recommended reading list.


1CO PE- Monday and Thursday

1L PE- Thursday 

1D PE- Thursday

PE kits (as outlined in the uniform letter):

  • Plain t-shirt in house colour (red, blue, green, yellow) P.E. t-shirt with the embroidered badge can still be worn
  • Navy shorts/skort, tracksuit bottoms or leggings/cycling shorts
  • Trainers or plimsolls
  • Navy sweatshirt or hoodie (iron on badge can be applied but not necessary.

No football kits to worn to school. If children have a club after school, they need to bring this into school in a bag to change into before or after the club.