Red Hill Primary School

Red Hill Primary School









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School Finance

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School Finance




School Finances

Legally, academy trusts are companies limited by guarantee and, under the terms of the Academies 2010, exempt charities. Academy governors, therefore, are subject to the duties and responsibilities of the charitable trustees and company directors. Academy governors have wide discretion over their use of the academy’s funds but are responsible for the proper stewardship of those funds and for ensuring economy, efficiency and effectiveness in their use – the three key elements of value for money.

Maintenance and Buildings

The school must pay for routine maintenance out of its own budget, but funds for major items (e.g. a new roof or floor), and any new building required, come from DfE Capital Spending programme.

Voluntary Funds

Funds raised voluntarily, mainly by the Friends of Stewart Fleming are playing an increasingly important role, especially in providing the school with much needed items of equipment such as computers, etc.