Red Hill Primary School

Red Hill Primary School

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Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTA)

Our Junior Travel Ambassador team play a very important role within the school.  Three representatives are appointed at the start of Year 5 and work under the guidance of Mrs Fuller and in conjunction with the London Borough of Bromley.

They start the year by attending the London Borough of Bromley training days with children from other schools performing the same role. This gives the children guidance and sets the expectation of what is required of them.

JTA ‘s encourage peer-to-peer engagement to promote safer, active and independent travel within the school community in a fun and engaging way.

An important part of a JTAs’ work is to promote independent travel to Year 6 pupils and their parents as they prepare to start secondary school; in many cases travelling independently for the first time.

They take responsibility for assisting in promoting surveys for how children travel to school, raise awareness regarding Road Safety, promote travel methods other than car where possible; assist with judging competitions relating to Road Safety, as well as many other tasks

On Tuesday 17th October, the JTAs were presented with their certificates and Gold JTA badges from the Mayor of Bromley, Kathy Bance.  The JTAs are Makayla Ejodame from 5S, Brook Moseley from 5L and Erinna Thornton from 5A.

Red Hill Stars

Smart and tidy

Try our best -education matters

Always make the right choices – behave well

Respect each other and the environment

Simply care and share

We have a simple, positive behaviour code at Red Hill. Our School Council helped to come up with the idea of Red Hill Stars and each half term children from each class are chosen to be awarded a Red Hill Star.

Each year group has a different colour star. Our Year 6 children are able to gain a replica of our Red Hill Badge that plays a very important part in our school community.

Children have to demonstrate that they have followed the “Red Hill Stars” and they are very proud to wear their Star and Red Hill badges.

School Council

Each class have elected one member to represent their class on the school council. who meet with the Head Teacher monthly to share their views about the school.

We have also elected a Head Boy and Head Girl through a whole school election. Our current Head Pupils are Marvin and Sasha.

House Points

At Red Hill, children are allocated to one of four houses – Nesbit (blue), Asher-Smith (green), Chadwick (yellow), Darwin (red) – when they join the school. This is to foster a healthy team spirit throughout the school for events such as Sports Day and the Spring Cup. .