Red Hill Primary School

Red Hill Primary School

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Lunch Menus




Our school caterers are Nourish who provided a daily balanced meal and dessert on a three weekly rolling programme.

Paying For school Meals

The government introduced Universal Infant Free School meals and as a result, all children in Reception and years One and Two are entitled to this benefit. After this, pupil school meals cost £2.28 per day = £11.40 per week, however, if you think that you may be entitled to claim free meals for your child, please come and talk to the staff in the office who will provide help and guidance to complete the appropriate forms. 

School meals must be paid for in full at the beginning of each half-term. Children must choose their meal options, either school lunch or packed lunch and can only change options at each half term.

Payment is made on-line through your parent pay where you will be able to make payment for your child’s school lunch.


Milk is provided free for Reception children.


All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a portion of fruit each day, the variety changes on a daily basis. Children really look forward to their fruit and because they enjoy it so much we encourage our older children in Key Stage 2 to bring in a piece of fruit for morning break.


We have chilled drinking water available in the Dining Halls and the Packed Lunch Hall. Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle to school so that they can have a drink in their classroom.

Packed Lunches in school

We are a healthy school and we encourage all parents/carers who are preparing a packed lunch for their child to ensure that they include a well balanced lunch, with a portion of fruit or chopped vegetable snacks included daily. We do not allow any fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate in the school. 

NUT-FREE- We are also a nut free school so please, no Nutella sandwiches, Peanut butter or snacks with nuts in. We do have pupils with severe nut allergies in school. Thank you for your understanding.

Healthy School Initiative

We are delighted that we have been successful in achieving our Gold Award as part of our Healthy School Project in the summer of 2016.  It demonstrates that Red Hill is committed to a whole school approach to developing a healthy lifestyle with children, staff, parents and governors all involved.

All staff promote healthy schools issues through lessons, circle time, environmental work , cross curricular topics and whole school events such as:

  • Extra curricular sporting clubs
  • Spring Cup – a week of sporting activities
  • Sports Day in June.

Our Key Stage 1 children enjoy their fruit at morning break and we encourage Key Stage 2 children to bring fruit or vegetables for a mid-morning snack.  All children have access to cool water during the lunch hour.

After School Club provide a healthy snack each day.

Primary Menu

Autumn Primary Menu

Summer Menu 1 term

Summer Primary Menu