Red Hill Primary School

Red Hill Primary School






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HT Welcome

Home | Our School | HT Welcome

HT Welcome




Head Teacher Welcome

A very warm welcome to Red Hill Primary School.  Our motto is ‘Building Bright Futures’. This is in line with our aim of giving our children the skills and experiences to help them become creative, intelligent, resilient, happy and resourceful members of our community. We use the International Primary Curriculum as a foundation for their learning which teaches them about the world they live in whilst developing their social and emotional well-being through personal goals.

Located at the end of Chislehurst High Street, we are proud to be a large part of the local Chislehurst community.  We are a primary school, with children joining us in reception (from age 4) and moving on to their secondary school in year six (age 11).    We have three classes in each of our Key Stage 1 year groups and, with children joining us from Mead Road Infant School in year 3, we have four classes in each of our Key Stage 2 year groups. Pupils have the benefit of being taught in the familiarity of their own class and year group whilst having access to amazing facilities that is part of the benefit of being a large school. Our facilities include fantastic grounds to support outdoor learning opportunities, active play and sports as well as sports fixtures, iPads and an ICT suite to ensure our pupils have access to up to date technology, a music room, a food technology room, a Forest School, a wild paddock area, two trim trails, two netball courts, a football pitch and even a golf hole!

In September 2016, we became part of The Pioneer Academy, a Multi Academy Trust of  primary schools in Bromley, Bexley, Brighton, Surrey, Croydon and Kent.  

By working with the other schools across the MAT, staff share best practice and have the opportunity to ensure that our pupils are given the very best of opportunities to reach their potential and celebrate their achievements.  We work together to ensure that children’s skills and knowledge are built on each year so that by the time they leave year six, they feel confident to embrace all the exciting challenges and opportunities that will be available for them at secondary school.

Please feel free to have a look around our website and get a sense of all the work that we do.  We know that education is a partnership between school and home.  We strive to build good relationships with all our parents and carers and encourage participation wherever possible.  

We look forward to working with you to enable your child to flourish and succeed.

Nicola Crockatt  and Becci McManus

Executive Head Teacher and Head of School