Red Hill Primary School

Red Hill Primary School

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Red Hill Primary School has three large halls that are used for PE, drama and assemblies. We also have a separate Dining Hall for school meals. Our Main Hall boasts a large stage, complete with curtains, sound system and theatre lighting and we make good use of these facilities for class assemblies, Easter and Christmas assemblies, as well as our Christmas productions and music concerts. 

Other facilities include:

  • A computer suite and additional trolleys with ipads and laptops
  • Music Room
  • Food Technology Room
  • Trim trails for Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2
  • Outdoor classroom for Reception children
  • Gym equipment on school field
  • Outdoor natural learning environment for all classes


We are very fortunate to have lovely facilities which we share with the local community. Ours is a large site of over 13 acres that includes a school field big enough for two football pitches. We have four playgrounds, a separate gated area for our youngest Reception children, one for our year 1 children and two playgrounds for our year 2 and Key Stage 2 children. One of these is designated as a quiet area and we have provided benches, tables and a Friendship Stop.

We have a wildlife area which includes a small pond, bat boxes and bird boxes.  In September 2014, we introduced a Forest School and during the course of the academic year, all children have the opportunity to develop important skills through experiencing this type of outdoor learning.
Our field is used for many sports including cross country running, football, tag rugby and athletics.
We have a Millennium Garden that is an enclosed space within the centre of the school and allows children to sit in small groups for their packed lunch during the warmer weather. This space is also used for drawing, talking, reading and gardening.